A. Federal Law and Penalties

联邦政府禁止生产, distribution, 除非法律特别允许,否则不得分配和占有管制物质.

政府根据附表一至附表五对管制物质进行分类. 附表1药物滥用的可能性很大,没有被接受的医疗用途.

Schedule I drugs include, but are not limited to, heroin, marijuana, hashish, LSD and other hallucinogens.

附表二药物滥用的可能性很大, but some medical use, and include opium, morphine, codeine, barbiturates, cocaine and its derivatives, amphetamines, 苯环利定(PCP)和其他麻醉剂.

Schedule III, 附表四和附表五药物有滥用的可能, 但比一级和二级毒品少, 附表三药物滥用的可能性最大,而附表五药物滥用的可能性最小. Schedule III, IV和V类药物包括水合氯醛(IV), certain barbiturates (III and IV), benzodiazines (IV), glutethimide (III), 其他镇静剂及麻醉药(III及IV), 安非他明(III)和其他兴奋剂(III和IV).

管制物质及其分类的完整清单载于《正规赌博十大网站》第21篇第812节. 对非法占有的处罚, manufacture, sale, 根据药品的种类和质量,药品的分配或递送会有所不同, 是否有前科,是否死亡或严重伤害是由所涉药物引起的.

联邦政府对制造的处罚, 销售或分销少量附表1和附表2药物, for the first offense, 对个人是否处以5年至40年监禁和/或不超过200万美元的罚款(如发生死亡或重伤), not less than 20 years imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment); for a second offense, 对个人处以不少于10年的监禁,不超过终身监禁和/或不少于400万美元的罚款(如发生死亡或严重伤害), not less than life imprisonment).

在许多情况下,对制造商的处罚是双倍的, 销售或分销较大数量的附表1和附表2药物. 联邦政府对制造的处罚, 分销或销售附表III, 附表III药物:不超过五年监禁及/或罚款$250,000.00 fine for a first offense; penalty is doubled for a second offense. 附表四毒品:不超过三年监禁及/或罚款25万美元.00 fine for a first offense; penalty is doubled for a second offense. 附表五毒品:监禁不超过一年及/或罚款十万元.00 fine; penalty is doubled for a second offense.

联邦法律对这种药品的生产有单独的处罚规定, sale or distribution of marijuana, hashish, or their derivatives. 处罚根据涉及的数量而有所不同, the existence of a prior offense, 以及是否会导致死亡或重伤. For a first offense involving small amounts (less than 50 kilograms of marijuana; less than 10 kilograms of hashish), 罚款包括不超过五年监禁及/或250元罚款,000.00 fine for an individual. 第二次违规者处罚加倍. For larger quantities (between 50-100 kilograms marijuana; between 10-100 kilograms hashish), 处罚包括不超过20年的监禁和/或罚款100万美元. 第二次犯罪的处罚加重. 导致死亡或重伤的原因, penalties are increased to include not less than 20 years imprisonment and not more than life for a first-time offender; not less than life for a second-time offender.

In addition to the manufacture, 分销或销售受管制物质, 联邦法律禁止未经授权持有受管制物质. 对简单持有的处罚包括最高一年监禁和/或至少1000美元.00 fine (but less than $10,000.00) for a first offense; up to two years imprisonment and/or at least a $2,500.00 fine (but less than $250,000.00) for a second offense; up to three years imprisonment and/or at least a $5,000.00 fine (but less than $250,000.00) for subsequent offenses. 特别量刑规定适用于持有快克可卡因. 特别的联邦处罚适用于向21岁以下或未满1岁的人出售或分发管制物质,000 feet of school, college or university property.

B. Michigan Drug Law and Penalties

禁止大麻的联邦法律优先于试图使毒品合法化的州法律. The possession, use, 根据联邦法律,分发大麻仍然是非法的,会受到起诉, 不管州法律允许什么, 无论联邦政府是否选择在那些娱乐性大麻使用合法化的州积极执行联邦法律.

密歇根州毒品犯罪,处罚,监禁 & Fines
Offense Penalty Incarceration Max. Fine
Possession for Personal Use
Up to 2.5 oz No Penalty None $ 0
Up to 10 oz in the home No Penalty None $ 0
More than 2.5 oz up to 5 oz (first offense) Civil Infraction None $ 500
More than 5 oz (first offense) Misdemeanor None $ 500
Sale or Distribution
Distribution of less than 2.5 oz without remuneration No Penalty None $ 0
分配少于5盎司而无报酬 Civil Infraction None $ 500
Sale of less than 5 kg Felony 4 years $ 20,000
Sale of 5 kg - 45 kg Felony 7 years $ 500,000
45 kg or more Felony 15 years $ 10,000,000
Sale of paraphernalia No Penalty None $ 0